Hello and welcome to the Butterflies class page!
Here you'll find information about all of the lovely things we do in our class and any important information you need to know. |
What's new?
Our inquiry this term is all about plants and living things. We will be spending a lot of time outdoors in our local environment where we will be discovering the types of plants that are around us, what they need to survive and what we can do to help look after them. Autumn is the perfect time to observe the changes that happen to our plants and trees.
P.E. days are Wednesdays. Please could you send a PE kit that your son/daughter can leave in school for the half term, including shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms, T-shirt and Trainers (all with names on please).
Homework will be given out every Friday through Seesaw.
Home reading books will be given out every Friday too, to be returned by Tuesday
Snack- We ask for £1 for snack for the week please, or you can pay for the whole term if it is easier.