Welcome to the Owls class page.
Year 3 / 4
Mr Hicks (Teacher Monday - Wednesday) Mrs Owens (Teacher Thursday - Friday) and Miss Derrick (Teaching Assistant)
Here you'll find information about all of the lovely things we do in our class and any important information you need to know.
Don't forget to follow our class on X (Twitter)
Children Important Dates:
Thursday 7th December - Cooking sessions with parents (Mrs Gauvain)
Friday 8th December - Christmas coffee morning, Christmas Jumper Day and costumes to be handed in for Christmas play, Christmas concert at the Morlais
Monday 11th December - Christmas Craft workshop
Thursday 14th - Christmas Concert performances at 1.30pm and 6pm
Friday 22nd December - Children Cuppa with Father Christmas
toy day ( no electricals or mobile phones please)
Class Information
Snack – Please ensure your child brings a healthy snack and a drink to school or you can purchase snack for 30p each day.
School Dinners – No payment is required as year 3 and 4 pupils are covered by the Universal Provision Scheme.
School Clothing – Can you please ensure that all school clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
PE clothing – Our designated day for PE sessions will be Wednesday. Please can your child wear their PE clothes into school on these days. This should include joggers or leggings, T-shirt and trainers.
Outdoor Learning – Our designated day for outdoor learning sessions will be Tuesday. Please can your child wear appropriate clothing for outdoor activities, taking into account the weather each week.
Homework Books – Homework will be given out every Friday. Please try to complete by the following Friday.
Reading Folders – Home reading books will be given out on Friday and should be returned by Thursday. Please enter the title of the book and commenting about your child's reading progress. It is vitally important that the children have the opportunity to read at home as well as in class.
Snack – Please ensure your child brings a healthy snack and a drink to school or you can purchase snack for 30p each day.
School Dinners – No payment is required as year 3 and 4 pupils are covered by the Universal Provision Scheme.
School Clothing – Can you please ensure that all school clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
PE clothing – Our designated day for PE sessions will be Wednesday. Please can your child wear their PE clothes into school on these days. This should include joggers or leggings, T-shirt and trainers.
Outdoor Learning – Our designated day for outdoor learning sessions will be Tuesday. Please can your child wear appropriate clothing for outdoor activities, taking into account the weather each week.
Homework Books – Homework will be given out every Friday. Please try to complete by the following Friday.
Reading Folders – Home reading books will be given out on Friday and should be returned by Thursday. Please enter the title of the book and commenting about your child's reading progress. It is vitally important that the children have the opportunity to read at home as well as in class.