Welcome to the
Woodpeckers Class
Year 3
Mrs Labanciw (Teacher) and Mrs Robbins (Teaching Assistant)
Hello and welcome to the Woodpeckers class page!
Here you'll find information about all of the lovely things we do in our class and any important information you need to know. |
What's new?
Important dates coming up
7th December- Family cooking workshops
8th December- Christmas jumper day, Christmas Coffee Morning and Christmas concert costumes need to be handed in
11th December- Christmas Craft Workshop
14th December- Christmas concerts (1.30pm and 6pm)
All homework will be set on Seesaw and home reading book comments will also be added there- please see the user guides by clicking the link below or ask a member of staff for support to get access.
P.E. days are Wednesdays. Please could you ensure that your child is wearing appropriate footwear and clothing.
Outdoor learning in on a Friday afternoon. Please can you ensure that your child is wearing appropriate clothing and footwear. Please can they also bring a coat.
Homework will be given out every Friday to be handed in the following Friday.
Home reading books will be given out every Friday too, to be returned at the latest by Wednesday.
Dinner money - payments for Year 3 and 4 are no longer needed as these year groups are covered under the universal provision scheme by the Welsh government.
Please can children bring in a contribution of £1 every Monday to cover the cost of a healthy snack each day.
Remember to check, work and play on our Hwb page! |
Don't forget to follow our class on Twitter! |