We hope you had an enjoyable Easter holiday and we are very happy to once again have all the children back in school. As I'm sure you can appreciate, it was not possible to inform you of the date of INSET days for the Summer Term in advance this year, as forward planning has been very challenging as a result of the pandemic. We can now confirm that these are all the INSET days for the Summer Term.
Nearly all these are at the beginning or end of a school holiday and therefore may possibly help you as families if there is an opportunity to take a holiday in the months ahead.
Many thanks for your continued support.
INSET Days for Summer Term 2021
Friday 28th May
Monday 7th June
Friday 25th June
Monday 19th July
Tuesday 20th July
Other dates for your diary
27/5/21 - Break up for Whitsun Half Term
8/6/21 - School resumes for staff and pupils
16/7/21 - Break up for Summer Holidays
Nearly all these are at the beginning or end of a school holiday and therefore may possibly help you as families if there is an opportunity to take a holiday in the months ahead.
Many thanks for your continued support.
INSET Days for Summer Term 2021
Friday 28th May
Monday 7th June
Friday 25th June
Monday 19th July
Tuesday 20th July
Other dates for your diary
27/5/21 - Break up for Whitsun Half Term
8/6/21 - School resumes for staff and pupils
16/7/21 - Break up for Summer Holidays